Sound familiar? You just got news that turned your world "upside down and inside out". Ever been there? So you walk outside, look up at the sky, and ask in your most polite voice, "God, why me?" Maybe it was more like ranting and raving like a lunatic,or screaming into a pillow deep inside your closet. So was that ok? Are we weak or in doubt if we question God- if we tell Him that we don't understand? If we beg to know what He is doing?
While some may view it as disrespectfully doubting the ways of God, I believe Jesus himself, as a human, questioned His Father. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Now let me clarify, that of course Jesus was not doubting the goodness of God, nor who God was. In His humanity He was feeling very lost and very alone, and the only One who could ever truly love and accept Him had turned his face away. Yet in His heart, He knew and understood why God had. Could it be as he cried that Jesus was even in His death setting an example for us. Why not? Through His life didn't He show us the way to walk with God, our Father.
Why was Jesus tempted? God allowed it. He was led into the wilderness to be tempted. (Matthew 4). He then combatted with Satan after 40 days of not eating. After, He was refreshed and able to do things that would change the lives of those around Him for eternity. Think not? Read Matthew 4 for yourself and see all that He did- one of the greatest being calling His 12 disciples. If He had not been allowed to be tempted then His victory over the temptation would never have been recorded. How would we then even have the slightest chance of saying like Paul, "I have fought a good fight" or "We are more than conquerors"? He showed us the way to overcome temptation.
So why problems? Why difficulties? I understand that all cases are not the same, and I cannot see the "big picture" as we like to call it, but could it be that you are being "allowed" to go through your difficulty for someone else? Which impacts you more when you are grieving or struggling- a person who comes along beside you and gives you a list of Bible verses to "look up in you spare time", or someone who has been through what you have and says, "I survived this, and you will too, and this is how God healed me."?
So "why you"? What has our gracious, loving Heavenly Father allowed you to go through? Know this, that in your darkest moment His hand never left yours. (Ps. 34:18) He may even have carried you because you were too weak and overwhelmed to go on. Why did He choose that path for you? If you are going through a rough time, I am not trying to lessen the reality of your pain. I have experience pain and the journey of healing from it. Yet could it be that as you have recently healed, it is time to look for someone who needs to find what you have found?
(Hebrews 12:!2)
For those interested I have included in the comments box special healing verses to meditate on. I encourage you to read them, journal them, and make them yours as you find your way to healing. Then use them to lead other to healing. It is only then that you may know "why".
Psalms 23:1-6; 34:18; 41:4; 55:22; 73:26; 107:20; 147:3;Isaiah 41:10; Revelation 21:4