Friday, January 8, 2016

"My Morning Coffee" Devotionals: Schedule It


    For those who are the closest to me, it is a well-known fact that my cup of coffee is a crucial part of my morning routine. It falls somewhere after my shower to the time I head out the door for my first teaching engagement. For me to think and to be a perky teacher, coffee is a must. Secretly though, my favorite coffee moment is my freshly brewed coffee served in a porcelain mug and sat down with to enjoy at the kitchen bar.
   I was challenged this new year that just as my coffee is important to my mental sanity so is my devotional time for my spiritual growth. Unfortunately, devotional time is often set aside because it seems to not be as important as ____________ at the moment. It seems like during vacation or R&R time we have more flexible days, and are able to reevalute our lifestyle, getting that much needed rejuvenation. Here is a schedule that I have put together for the mornings that I have off:

-wake up
-exercise for thirty minutes
-shower and personal preparation
-make a quick, but healthy breakfast
-settle down with breakfast, devotional books, and of course COFFEE!

   Now, I understand that not all routines work the same for others, but having a schedule is better than not. I try to spend thirty minutes to an hour in devotions depending on the needs of those around me. Of course, a "hot" cup of coffee is strategic for this time because we all know it is impossible, unless you have dead tastebuds, to guzzle a hot drink and enjoy it. So what better way to spend that time sipping your coffee than meditating on God's Word at the same time. Activities for a devotional time that I choose to include are, but limited to, these:

 -reading a devotional thought with a coordinating scripture passage
 -writing down at least five things that I'm thankful for
 -writing down five people or situations to pray for
 -reviewing past journal entries in order to remember what God has taught me.

   So whatever your daily routine, I challenge you to set aside time for just you and your Maker. Don't let anyone steal it from you. There will always be days when "emergencies" come up, but don't let the "emergencies" become a habit. The time you set aside will shape your responses to and your outlook on each day. Today, why not brainstorm on a workable schedule for you, call or text your best cheerleader about your plans, and then get started...and of course don't forget your favorite "hot beverage"!

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