Saturday, April 11, 2015

"While I Am Waiting" Series: What Are You Waiting For?

      I am not sure who gave me the idea, but after I graduated from college I began a notebook, which I entitled "While I Am Waiting". The purpose of that notebook was to write down all of the ministry opportunities that I had had while I was waiting for my "Prince Charming". A very wise pastor's wife once shared with me that "God will not bring someone into your life, until His plan for you as a young unmarried woman has been fulfilled." After seven years I have finally filled up that notebook, and God has placed on my heart the need to share with you what I have learned so far.
      First of all, let me share with you today that my view of waiting has changed. Before, I had the mindset that I needed to be busy to fill my time to focus on Christ until He gave me my heart's desire. Now as I think about the title of my notebook, I have realized the need to rethink the "what" of my waiting. In other words, "What Am I Waiting For?"
       Every little girl dreams of the being the princess swept away by the handsome prince with whom one day she will share "true love's kiss", and live happily ever after. That little girl often grows up frustrated, realizing that there will never be the "perfect" prince. She will face heartbreak and frustration, and even become selfish with the plans for her life while searching for "the right one". At the age of twenty-three, I was awakened to the fact that a young woman is not called to marriage. Marriage is not her ultimate purpose in life. That is to say, marriage and a family, does not complete her or fulfill her as a person. Reading 1 Corinthians very carefully, brought me to the realization that my purpose as a young woman is to honor and glorify God's name by doing His beautifull will and serving Him in the "free time" that I have. Therefore, it can be concluded, dear ones, that our lives are not to be lived waiting for "him", but waiting for "Him". Do you see the big picture?
       You may be thinking ...."Here we go again...another lecture on 'True Fulfillment". Rest at ease, my dear friend. Though, can I encourage you to look at life outside the box? What if there is never a "prince"? How would that change how you live your life? How would that change how you decide to serve God? Can I challenge you to let go of the "knight in shining armor"? What steps of faith has he held you back from? Never let it be said that you could have soared farther for God, but you were still back clinging to the limb of "fear". Could we say together, that we never regreted not having gone farther- that we gave all of our single energy, time, and dreams to make a difference in a way we could never have, had we not been God's single "messengers"
      Secondly, I want share with you passages that spurred me on, as I explored God's will for me.

"And thine eyes shall hear a word behind thee, saying This is the way ,walk ye in
it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."- Isa. 30:21

"Nevertheless I am continually with thee; thou hast holden me by my right hand,
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.- "Ps. 73:23-24

Look these up when you have a moment:
Prov. 3:5-6
1 Thess. 5:24
Phil. 1:6
Jer. 33:3
Isa. 49:14-15


  1. This is really good! Thanks for sharing, Christi!!!

  2. Really good! I'm going to share this! See, I told you, you should write! Make a devo book for single women!

  3. Really good! I'm going to share this! See, I told you, you should write! Make a devo book for single women!

  4. Thanks girls for the encouragement. I am hoping to make this into a mini series....haha who knows maybe I'll make into the book world LOL!
