Saturday, April 18, 2015

"While I Am Waiting" series: That's Who I Am

      I am reminded of a much loved tv series of my family that always began with the head actress spinning and prancing through the streets of Washington DC, to the song, "That's Who I Am". There is something liberating about finally realizing who God has made you to be, and what you are capable of doing for Him. Most college graduates will agree that a college education does not define who you are, but guides you in what profession you will take. The same peer pressure that followed you in high school becomes your constant companion through college as well. It is not until you become part of the "real world" that you realize who you are is not defined by your parents, siblings, classmates, boyfrend, bestfriends, or boss.
      Not long after I left all that was familiar to me, I began to sit down and evaluate myself by asking, "Who am I?, 'Why am I here?,  and 'Where am I going?" I thought I was done answering those questions, but the Lord has a sense of humor. Just when we think we know who we are, we learn that we really don't. We fail to realize that as time goes by and things change, so does our existence and purpose. The once gangly teenager has grown, matured ,and morphed into a beautiful young woman. Yet it is easy to allow relationships to bind us to a fake identity, and to build an existence based on how we want others to percieve us. We often find ourselves stuck with the "something more" syndrome. At that point, we must realize that it is a time for a self evaluation- a time to look at our lives not through the eyes of those around us, but through the eyes of the One who really knows us.
        Psalms 139 lays out very clearly that God knows me better than I know myself. He knows me inside and out. Nothing about me surpised Him. He knows when I am disappointed and when I am content and pleased. He understands my daydreams and desires for the future. He knows every word wether good or evil. He knows all my ways. I am not hidden or obscured from his sight. He knows my exact location and stage in life. I am not alone. He knows every need that I have, and every surrender I must make. He is concerned about every detail of my existence. Through knowing Him, I can know me. The more then I know about me, the more I begin to appreciate Him. Once I discovered Him, it became very clear who I am and why I exist.
  Who Am I?
- I am a sinner saved by grace.
- I am a daughter of the King.
- I am a loved sheep who is protected and provided for.
- I am a chosen vessel.
- I am called out by name.
- I am His maidservant.
- I am precious in His sight.
- I am set apart for something that only I can do.
 Why Am I Here?
- I will bring glory to God's name
- I will show others through my life, their loving Heavenly Father.

  Where Am I Going?
- I will follow Him every step of the way without doubt, and without turning back

So my dear friends, who are are you?


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